
Revolution in the time of AI

Andrea Tangredi
January 19th, 2020 · 1 min read

For fast-growing businesses and digital agencies who want to improve communication with their users. Verse is an all-in-one artificial intelligence platform for every kind of team that is easy to use and focused on collaboration. Verse makes A.I. easy and accessible to teams of all kinds of backgrounds, all around the globe.

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When we were thinking about Verse, we talked a lot about how language exists, how people communicate and use language.

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One of the ideas was “Language is evolving. It always did and it will always do. It’s just not a static element. It’s a common good, a tool that everyone can contribute to, that anyone can modify, an open tool.” That’s what we stand for and what we work for every day.

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Our mission is to humanize language. To remember that we, humans, can’t be separated from it, that we’re made of language. A declaration of intellectual freedom of language.

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